New Year’s Eve and chicken wings…

Also should be titled… “Valuable Lesson Learned.”

New Year’s Eve, and everyone in my family was going to be working the next day.  My grown up kids were getting together for pizza and wings and just a little celebration.  Now for every one of these occasions, I typically bring my own food.  But I knew I was going to be working all day, and I just wanted to make it easier on myself.

Everyone was making an early night of it.  No fuss evening.  Get together, have a little food, share some company, head home.  And to be honest, I have been doing great since October 2015, and I mean really great!  But it’s NYE and I just wanted to try a little something.  Not go all out crazy, just a little something. I have held off for forever, mostly out of fear.  But today?! Well, I just wanted to be a little brave.

A long time ago, I had promised myself,  not Dr. Jack , but myself, that I would not eat anything off our working plan, without talking to him about it first. And this was it.  I just wanted to try it, notice how I keep saying that, trying to justify it in my own head? Lol….

Now, forever ago, I had already asked him what happens when you are off our normal work plan and his answer was pretty clear, “Expect to feel it after. You aren’t going to feel well.  Know how to recover from it but expect to feel it.”    How bad could it be right? It was just a few chicken wings! It isn’t like a full meal!

Okay, I was ready…. the plan was four chicken wings and a salad.  Easy enough.  No blue cheese.  I got the wings extra crispy, medium, light on the sauce and no cheese.  My mouth was thinking about them all day long.  They had grown In my head to this delectable delicacy that I had missed out on countless times. I admit I sat and stared at them for few minutes before the first bite.

I chomped down on one  and really tasted it, and they were okay…. not nearly what my mind had built them up to be. I mean I make these really great chicken breasts, yummy chicken strips, seasoned with fresh herbs and these weren’t nearly as tasty as those. But they were okay. Yummy…just not this huge thing I was expecting.

But about an hour later, I thought it weird that my lips were still tingling and my fingers were itchy and tingly… what was that about??    And then I remembered….. Hashimoto’s??  Autoimmune response??   Uhhhh ohhhhhhhh…. there was no way four little chicken wings was giving me an autoimmune response!

I took some  extra supplements as Dr. Jack had recommended and started drinking a lot of water.   When we got home, I felt okay, not like queezy, just….. “off.”  I was so tired and achy.  Like why was I achy??   Took a few more supplements and went to bed.  When I got up, I could still feel it, so I fasted at breakfast until I started feeling more like myself. About the middle of the day, I was better.  Back on my usual eating plan and feeling a bit better. The aches went away, the tingles left and my lips didn’t feel weird.

Wow!  I had totally underestimated my body’s response to four chicken wings …. and I mean big time.   It really hit me that when you have cleaned up everything, it really does show you , quickly, how certain foods, preservatives, all of it affects you.  Was it worth it? Was this little snack worth aggravating things over?

Honestly?  Hmmmmm….. no.  I actually don’t think it was.  I mean it wasn’t like some fabulous meal that I could say this once in awhile thing made it soooooo worth it.  Nah… wasn’t that good.    And the reaction was too much for something not that great.

Kind of reminded me …that the next time I go venturing far away from “home,” in search of adventure, ….. clicking my heels three times…that I need to follow the yellow tiled floor right back to my own refrigerator…….There really is no place like my little organic home, sweet,  home food!

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