Back to Basics….

It’s just that I am tired of losing the same three pounds….up two down three, up one down one..up two down three…… over and over and over….

I was thinking the other day how tired I am of this cycle of losing and gaining.  I still have some weight to lose and I just want it to go now.  But the scale keeps dancing.  I have not eaten any “off plan” foods but I did incorporate a few things from a less strict plan that Dr. Jack uses. I have been at this awhile now, and I wanted to try a few things, but I think it’s best to leave trying for a bit.

Last week, I just got tired of this up down thing. It is really tiring.  You think you have done a great job and it’s not showin up.   I just want it gone now.  So one day I sat down and started asking myself, “Why?”   Why isn’t it moving and what am I doing that prevents it?  I decided to tighten things up.  Tighten up, as in take out the manual, reread it, go totally back into the beginning part and rewind, redo.  I think that’s best.   A lot of people think I am out of my mind to do that but I just smile.  In reality, it’s not much unlike my every day life.  But I think there are things I could improve. 

That’s the thing about the education I have gotten.  I can’t unlearn it.  I know what needs to be done.  I just need to keep my head wrapped around doing it.  And I need to make a greater effort to stay on top of all of it.

There is always room for improvement.  I started looking more carefully.  Too many sugary vegetables is solved by more green looking salad.  Too many nuts?   Easy fix. Stop, lol.

The coffee I waited soooooo long for? Ah yes, the coffee….. Well, that one is a little tougher.  It has to go, though,  I think.  I believe that since it was not part of the initial plan that maybe I react to it?  Not sure but my head keeps going back to an initial webinar I watched that Dr. Jack presented, and the role of caffeine in hindering weight loss.    Maybe that is just not for me.   Some people can tolerate it I know, but I am not sure I am one of them.

Hashimoto’s is an interesting disease.  It just keeps on giving.  And I had it bad.   By the time you know it’s flared up, the flare is often dying back down. It’s a never ending cycle and getting over those flares were always a challenge,   The fact is that I am always going to have Hashimoto’s with me.  It can go into remission but that little bugger is always my constant companion.

It can lay dormant for a long time but it is with me.  And if I start slacking, those symptoms are coming back.  The truth is my body reacts quickly but also with some things slowlyyyyyy.   If I react within hours to bottled salad dressing,  what else do I react to?  I break out in hives from food additives.   If those are fast and furious, what are the slow progressive ones.   I seriously believe I am the patient that has to adhere to this plan, letter of the law kind of adherence.

There are also the slow reactions too.  Over the winter, one day my hands were ice cold and purple.  Yeah, toxic bucket overload.  As soon as I did something about it, problem solved. I just am Hashimoto’s favorite person!  It lovesssssssss me and likes to keep reminding me when it has a hold.  I just seem to pick up more toxic stuff than most people.

What can you do? Tweaking… that’s what I am working on.  Just being careful.  How accurate do I measure? Are there foods I have not tried yet? Recipes I might do that might freshen things up.

Controlling the food is easy.  This morning, my class had a pancake breakfast and it was all right in front of me and I never even blinked about it.  The food is easy.

The hard part is controlling everything else.  Like stress, sleep and the thousands of things that I worry about.  That’s the real challenge!

But I am determined to live symptom free and if that means being extra extra extra careful?  Then that’s what it means.  Sooooo….here is to little changes, hopefully leading to a few bigger changes.

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