Cleaning up my world….

I was watching a webinar that Dr. Jack hosted last week about the use of toxic chemicals.  Dr. Jack has the best webinars!  They are filled with so much information.  I am an information junkie.  Love knowledge.  Love to learn new things.   I spend hours researching ideas.   As I was watching it, I started thinking about how much I have cleaned up my diet but also how much I cleaned up my world.

Early on when we started, he used the word toxic so much I started looking around and wondering how many toxins had entered my body affecting my thyroid that I knew nothing about.   My diet wasn’t the only place they came in.  When you really think about it, between all the preservatives we eat, the bad food, and all the chemicals we are exposed to, the list is pretty long.   Hard to avoid exposure, but you should be conscious of what’s getting in.  Most people don’t realize, and I know I never did, that toxins wreak havoc on your thyroid.

I have cleaned up my act a lot but there is still a long ways to go.   I love pretty fingernails…. that’s one of my only feminine weaknesses.  I hate shopping, I don’t wear fancy clothes, own only four pairs of shoes, no lie, but I love pretty fingers even though my nails are short.  I can’t wear even medium length nails as they interfere with computer keys or get caught on boxes I move at Walmart.  When Jamberry nails first came out I got hooked, but being a Hashimoto patient, you have to be careful because you have brittle, peeling  nails.   So in the beginning, I always used a nail strengthener under them.   But then  I started thinking that here I am trying to go a nontoxic route and the strengthener is filled with toxins.  So, now I use the jamberries without it.  I get cute, protected nails that look fun.

I also started thinking about the tons of moisturizer  I had tried to help my ever dry skin.  Thankfully Kelly Kuechler educated me about that issue and now, I only use the products she carries on my face. Her line is all Ilike products, made with natural ingredients.     It’s interesting to me that although pricey, I find I don’t need nearly as much so the additional cost actually is worth it.   And the difference in my skin tone and texture is worlds away from what it was.   Gone is the itchy burning from other products.  Gone is the dry irritated skin replaced with smooth and healthy.

Then, I started thinking makeup.  Now I am not very good with makeup and a twelve year old can do a better job with eyeliner than I can. I always thought about going somewhere to have someone teach me makeup skills, but at my age, that’s more than embarrassing.  I am terrible with it.  I wish I was better.  My daughter’s face is always beautiful but as hard as I try just can’t get the hang of it.  So I am basically some cover up and a few swipes of mascara, out the door girl.

But like any woman, I like to at least look a little pulled together most school days.  And when I go to a shower or a wedding, or a professional function, I want to look nicer.    So who did I ask?  Mrs. Saia!  After all, who would be a better resource for non toxic products?   What I found was that she was just as sweet and kind as Dr. Jack!    She told me all about the Jane Iredale line.   I went to Tony Walkers at her suggestion, and the sales associate hooked me up with the right shade.

The associate was very sweet and despite my uncomfortable state she showed me exactly how to use it and made it easy.  It’s all minerals, hypoallergenic and no cruelty to animals involved.   It’s the only makeup I ever tried that I didn’t get rashes from.  I would like to go back and ask her to help me understand other products but I am going to have to build myself up to that.  I admit I am one of those….. I walk into that store and break out in a sweat. Sooooooo out of my element!

However, I did go for an essential oil class that I saw Mrs. Saia had tried.  That was awesome! I got a few oils and have tried them for different things.  It was very educational and I found it fun.  But I definitely was a fish out of water there in a sea of pulled together people.  Lol……

When Dr. Jack hosted his webinar, he had a guest on who talked about Norwex cleaning products.  I got excited because I am a Norwex user.  No chemicals!  I love the microfiber cloths for cleaning, the dusting mitt is the bomb and my favorite are the wool dryer balls that cut your drying time and don’t need fabric softener sheets that make me itch.   Clothes come out soft and fluffy without any chemicals at all.  You can even drop some essential oils on the dryer balls if you want to.

The presenter also talked about the laundry soap.  I bought a container at a party I was invited to but have never used it much.  Occasionally when my son has done car work and his clothes have oil everywhere I have used it to get out the tough stains.  But for the most part I don’t use it for everyday because it is pricey.   Well, anyway in the webinar she talked about how you only need a tablespoon for a load making it much more cost effective.  There is a scoop in the bag and it is definitely more than a tablespoon, so I contacted her to inquire.   She told me that she just uses her own tablespoon measurement.

I am thinking of trying it for regular laundry because I have that constant itchy skin from dyes and chemicals.  Again, Hashimoto reactions that have improved greatly through my work with Dr. Jack, and by just being conscious of the environment.

Last week when I spoke with Dr. Jack I mentioned how much I enjoyed the webinar.  I am sure he had no idea how terribly allergic I used to be before he worked with me.  I used to get hives from anything and everything I touched.  I told him stories of visits to the emergency room with rashes from my head to between my toes from exposure to dryer sheets.  I have had reactions to dye in socks, shampoos, conditioner…. name it!

The webinar got me thinking about other personal care products.   Trying to find better shampoos, body wash, deodorant, things like that.  I use store brands of those, but maybe there  are better ways for that, too!   Why add in chemicals to myself that only aggravate everything?  It’s all a learning process.  If there is anything I am grateful for, besides the loss of my symptomatic self and all the weight?    It’s the education I keep receiving from Dr. Jack.  You really should register for one of his webinars.  He is a great teacher and listening costs nothing.  So much to learn!

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