Dr. Jack’s BNI group…..thanks for helping me… with everythinggggg…

A few months ago I had no clue what a BNI group was.  I am a teacher, what do I know about what a BNI group is?  Well, anyway, you work with someone long enough you start to know their schedule.  And every Thursday morning, Dr. Jack went to this  mystery group.  Well, it was a mystery to me. Ha ha…. And I started asking him about it.  One day over the summer, Rob Ciminelli, my life coach, invited me to go with him to a group meeting, and I jumped at the chance to learn more about it, about who these people are and what they do.

BNI stands for Business Network International and it’s  an interesting organization.  Chapters can have only one of each specialty in a group.  So if you are the Chiropractor, and another chiropractor wants to join, they would have to find another chapter.   Isn’t that interesting?  The group helps each other through referrals and education that helps all of them. What a great way to build a business? I know there is tons more involved.    But what fascinates me is the dynamics of this particular chapter.

I study people.  I love to study people.   I just like knowing how and why people respond in certain ways, their interactions with others.   And after I understand them,  I like to study how they are in group settings.    That  is my every day business.  And this group?  This group just absolutely fascinates me.  They are all interesting individuals, kind, knowledgeable,  and very welcoming.   They are all very passionate about their business,  but as diverse as they are, their group dynamic is amazing.   Watching them interact, you can almost see the energy jumping off of them.   They are fun! They feed off each other’s enthusiasm and positive outlook.   And despite the fact that they meet sooooooo early at seven a.m. each Thursday, their exhuberant nature and enthusiasm comes through loud and clear.  They work tirelessly to help each other, one of those groups you just wish you were in.   Have a problem?  They are up for solutions!   They are business minded, serious about what they do, but impeccably kind and totally committed to their clients.  They all have very different personalities, some quiet, some jumping out of their chairs, some free spirited, some very meticulous, but I noticed that they all have one singular trait.

Every single one of them, is interested in helping you but also interested in you!  They sit and really talk with you. Before they present their product or service, they want to know if it’s right for you by really understanding you.  They talk and they listen.   Not like, “How’s your week going?” conversations.   But really taking time to get to know you as a human being, your concerns, your issues.   Long before any business is ever conducted, they take the time.   And they exchange stories, so you get to know them as a person, too.  You can clearly identify with this person.   No business is ever discussed until you feel like you know them.   I mean who would you rather do business with, someone who sits and minds the time,  or someone who is genuinely interested in helping you get what’s best for your situation.   I just think that is the most super thing because I am not comfortable sharing information, either personal, medical or financial with just anyone.   If anything, I am the opposite, often reluctant to let others “in.”  I usually show up for those kinds of appointments with a death grip on the information I brought.

In the time I have worked with Dr. Jack,  he has definitely come to understand that about me.   I doubt any doctor has ever understood me better.  I have brought up lots and lots of problems that I have.  Many have nothing to do with weight loss or health, but they absolutely do affect my health,  and he has suggested people I should work with.  Many of them have been with his BNI group.    Now I would loveeeeeeee to say that I have just sweetly stood there and said, “You are sooooo right!  That’s exactly what I need.”  If he is reading this, he is about hysterical right now with laughter, because those conversations usually start with my answering, “No, no way!  I am not telling my personal business to _____. I can’t do that! I can’t believe you can even imagine that I could that!!!!”  I don’t mean to but I torture him before I begrudgingly agree to at least meet the person.  I tell him countless times I can’t,  and then I drive there, nearly driving away, but in the end, I walk in, saying to myself that I am only staying a few minutes.

But the end of those stories is always the same,  I go to see the person, end up staying hours, and the next thing you know, they have saved me time, trouble and a boat load of  stress, and I am on the phone apologizing to Dr. Jack being so stubborn.   The last time it happened, I told him,  “Let’s just agree in these situations that you are right, and I am wrong, and if I am being stupid, well, just tell me I am.”

Dr. Jack’s opening line for these meetings is usually a text with a photo, “This is ____ and they are a ____ and I think you should meet with them.   Trust me. They are calling you at ___.”   My first reaction?  Panic…. lol

It’s how I met Rob Ciminelli, the life coach that has changed so much of my outlook and helped me to imagine all kinds of  possibilities!

It’s how I met Nancy Hughes, the best Pilates teacher ever!

And the last few weeks, I got to meet two others from this group.   Corinne Rodgers, of the Rogers Agency, in Williamsville.   First time I ever changed insurance and  anyone actually explained my car and house insurance to me,  on top of saving me some money! I was way too used to shopping for insurance online and admittedly knew nothing about what I was getting for my money.  I sat there as she explained it all line by line, and I actually feel like I understand what I have!   She was so patient, and worked around my two job, crazy life schedule.  I learned so much from her already and feel like I made a new friend, one who has my best ineterest at heart.

And Christina Carl….from the Legacy Finacial group, in Sterling park.   She will be minding my retirement money as well as helping me to just feel better financially.   I admit it was one of the hardest things, to sit and talk with her because I just don’t tell anyone about personal financial matters.  I play those cards pretty close to my chest.    But what I found was someone who was kind and compassionate. She told me her stories and I shared mine.   And what started as me nearly leaving the parking lot turned into a meeting where I left relieved.    It felt like lunch with an old friend.   And suddenly that which I thought I could never share, was easier.  In doing that, I got some great advice and some ideas.  She, too, feels like a friend now, again, one who I can ask for help.

I hope my stubborn nature does  not mean Dr. Jack will stop trying to recommend people to help me.  God knows I need all the help I can get in so many areas. And thankfully he recognizes that.   He has taken such good care of me in every aspect of my health, always watching out for me.

I wish when I had visited this chapter, I had asked for more business cards!  I would never hesitate to pass along any of their names or business listings to anyone I know.  I did find their listing on line!


Awesome group of kind, caring, totally committed professionals…. I know how much better I feel about all kinds of things!  I sooooooooo appreciate Dr. Jack for always finding me just the right person for every concern.

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