Keeping it real….

I get my best blogs from people who write to me.  This morning, I got an email from someone I never met, telling me she found my blog through Dr. Jack’s site.   Severely symptomatic, Hashimoto patient.  “You don’t understand, my life is hard,  my life is stressful, I can’t do this, I have kids, my lifestyle is too challenging. I have a lot going on, I have to eat on the go.  I can’t eat right, it’s too hard. You have it all pulled together. I can’t be like you.”

I laughed so hard when I read that….you don’t want to be like me! I did write her back and explain and we laughed about how I am making it seem I am alll pulled together.     Hello!!    I am still laughing, like tears running out of my eyes laughing.  Wow! I could get an Academy Award for my performance if you think I am pulled together….  sorry, had to stop and giggle some more about that.  Are you kidding?   I am as big a mess as anyone else!  Lolllllllllll… probably bigger!  You have no idea!

I get it….. did you know I have those same conversations about those topics with myself, ummmm…yeah…daily.  It’s no secret that my weight loss is a bit stagnant right now.  I get all those things you are saying to me about why you can’t do this.  You can’t make changes because it’s too hard.

But let’s all get real.

Your life is hard, my life is hard, heck, Dr. Jack’s life is hard.   That’s a fact, Jack, no pun intended!  Dr. Jack is the most positive person I ever met, but when you listen to what his day looks like? Holy cow….. You get exhausted  just listening.  “I have a meeting, then work, then the kids need to go to…. then I ran to pick up… then I … after that I am ……. “.

He is not immune from stress, no one is.  That’s the reality.  We all have some!   And every day, every single one of us picks up our bag of challenges.  Granted some days, some people appear to be carrying a much lesser load.  But the truth is, we all have it.  Some are just hiding it better.

We all have a big bag… financial stresses, emotional stresses, job stresses, physical stresses, personal stresses.  There is plenty to go around and no one is free from it, I don’t care what they are telling you, they have some.

Name one person in your life who has no problems, because I really want to meet that person.  And the fact is, I am no one to be asking about how to handle that.   I tend to feel stressed and frantic more days than not, a skill I am working on.  I will get back to you on that.

The real truth is that none of it is easy, but feeling better physically makes the rest of it a whole lot easier to carry. I found that out the hard way for years.  Period.    I don’t care what you would tell me about why I am wrong.  Eating a chocolate donut does not make you feel better…. ever.   You feel guilty buying  it, you feel guilty as it touches your lips, you feel gross after you eat it,  and for me, I would start feeling it’s inflammatory effects probably within minutess. And the you feel guilt for a long time, okay maybe that is just me, lol… .  And then….. you added in another thing to stress about.   For me, it’s just not worth it.  I do notttttttttttttt everrrrrrrrrrrrrr want to feel a single Hashimoto symptom ever again!

Things are challenging enough.  My life feels like a three ring circus most days.  I do not need any goofy weirdo symptoms messing up how I feel physically.

Life now is great!   It’s  amazing and fun, and it’s also very stressful.  And wayyyyyy too many days, I allow myself to just get stuck on the stress.  That’s one I am still working on.  Will keep you posted on that.   The best thing you can do for yourself though is eat well, sleep, and try to do the best you can for your body.

Because, let’s be as truthful as we can….the onlyyyyyy thing some days that helps you make it, is that you had the stamina to get through.  And I know I wouldn’t have that stamina without this plan.   That’s my reality.  Period!

I have it all pulled together?   I am still giggling!!!   My tummy hurts from laughing….   I can hardly breathe I am laughing so hard….. Lolllllllllllllllllllllllll

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