Kicking the sugar habit….

That is not the best title because I don’t think you ever get over sugar.  Sugar is an extremely  addictive habit.  There are a million studies one line that you don’t need me to quote.  I read one once that really caught my eye.  It said that when rats were given a choice of sugar or cocaine, they choose the sugar.   There are thousands of reasons to kick the habit, health being primary, but it is easier said than done.  It’s not a big secret that studies link cancer and sugar.  And if you are autoimmune?  Yikes! Talk about inflammatory foods.  Has that stopped anyone?

What’s funny to me is that before Dr. Jack, I never considered myself much of a sugar addict. I really didn’t think I was addicted.   I could easily go without desssert. Liked fruit but ehhhhh….. could take it or leave it for the most part.  I never liked overly sweet things.  Like birthday cake?  I can go without it.  But I loveddddd chocolate milk, two whammies right there.   Desserts?  Never cake, but I did enjoy sweet treats, and things like cannoli, cheesecake, fruit pies but not the yucky sugar dropping ones, raised sweet dough treats. My heritage is Hungarian, German, Italian…. yeah, we know how to bake.  My go to though?   Ice cream!  Loveeeeeeeee ice cream! And those wonderful concoctions  my family makes.  Coffee and dessert were always a Sunday afternoon treat at my Oma’s.   She made these lovely Hungarian desserts, not a lot of sugar, but yummmmmmyyyyyyy…..

When I started with Dr. Jack, I knew the sweets had to go.  I figured that. What program allows sweets?   But what I didn’t realize was how much I wanted them, how tied they were to my emotional eating, and how hard it was going to be to lose that.  About a week in, and the cravings kicked in.  I wanted something sugary,sweet, anything……

I remember clearly talking to Dr. Jack about it and his explanations about how many foods sugar is actually found in.   I believed him, but I am one of those people that needs to satisfy my own curiosity.  Did you ever read the labels on processed foods? Sugar is everywhere, safely hidden among other ingredients and sometimes boldly listed first.  It’s everywhere, even in supposedly healthy options.   All those fiber bars I used to eat? Sugar, sugar everywhere.   And then there are the foods that turn into sugar, the breads, pasta, potatoes.  We are surrounded.

Then he started talking to me about the research around sugar.  I remember sitting st the other end of the phone with a pencil in my hand.  I was horrified at what he told me.  And then I researched it some more. Articles everywhere show cancer lovessssssss sugar,  I got scared straight.  I have a messed up immune system as it is, dump more sugar into it? No thank you.

Was giving it up easy? Lolllllllllllll. ….. NOooooooooooo!!    I started this program right before Halloweeen and I teach school, need I say more?   But I knew I had to.   I found through my own eating that my body could care less where that sugar comes from, once it has some we want more.  I rarely eat carrots by themselves but instead eat some other vegetable with it. If I eat too much, my craving intensifies, same with tomatoes or parsnips. I know those vegetables are good for me, but I try to keep them grouped with other things.  And let me tell you, the longer you are away from them, suddenly they are too sweet.  I was eating red pepper slices the other day and thought they were really sweet.

Does that mean I am cured? Again, no.  At times when I feel like I am an emotional mess, I would give anything for a taste, just one bite, one cookie, one tiny bite. But I know what would happen because I can feel it.  When Dr. Jack said I could try organic coffee? I wanted to put a stevia packet in there, but stopped after I did it once.  Because just that one packet kicked in my sugar craving.  I read online that even stevia, you have to watch what kind it is.

Another day, I was out for lunch with a friend and I asked for olive oil on the side of a salad.  They brought some yummy balsamic vinegar, too.  I don’t usually eat vinegar but I put a little on the corner of the salad to try it and I could not believe how sweet it was.  I stopped right there.  I knew the craving was coming, so I kept eating the salad until I was totally full.

You have to be strong.  You really do, but you can do it!  I know you can.  Go one week without it and watch how things change!  You don’t feel as inflamed.  You don’t look as puffy, especially your face.     Give up all funky sugars too and see what a difference it makes in how you feel.

The best way I found to beat it? Stay full!  When your tummy is full of good things, thencrsvings go.  One week!  You can do it!!  Here is to sugar free living!


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