Who is Rob Ciminelli??



Occasionally, I mention Rob Ciminelli in my posts. People write to me to ask who he is, and what he does.     Those that know me in real life are often surprised to hear that I work with him, a life coach.   They tell me that I give off the persona of having it all pulled together,   lolllllllllll…. oh gosh my sides hurt from laughing.    It has taken a village to fix me!  And Rob is one of the villagers. And trust me  the job is far from over, we have a long road ahead.   But the road is fun!  Filled with Dr. Jack and Rob!  Fun, fun, fun!

I met Rob through Dr. Jack on a day I was beyond frustrated.  I work too hard, my life felt stagnant and Dr. Jack asked if I wanted to fix all that. It was a really bad day.   I remember the exact day that happened.  I was cleaning out my dresser drawers, throwing stuff, aggravated,  and emailing Dr. Jack and I sat down at the edge of my bed to read the message he sent back.  “Do you want to change all that?  I want you to contact this person.”

I remember thinking….. what??   Why does he think I need a life coach?  My stubborn streak gave into my curiosity and I started working with Rob.    Well….. guess what?  It absolutely changes every aspect of your life.   It turns out it was a totally different experience than what I assumed it would be! Completelyyyyyyyy different!   It’s not sessions of, “Okay,Chris, you need to do these things.”   It is self awakening, realizing what you need and want, and how to go after getting it.  To say it has been life changing is soooooo inadequate.   It has brought peace to life about things I have held onto.  It’s like spring cleaning your mind and heart and soul.   It is nothing short of amazing, and I am hooked.  Do I work less? Not yet.  Lol…. but I definitely work differently.  I handle everything differently.   And the things that were good?  They got better.

Rob is a life coach, his business is Dreams to Manifestations.   He is an award winning coach, and it didn’t take me long to figure out why.  This quiet, kind man, is just a bundle of positive energy.   Strong, but kind.  Willing to tell it to you like it is, but with a heart that shows he cares about you as a person.  Truly, truly cares.   He is the first person in my adult life to ask me the easiest and hardest question ever….. what is it that you want?

Ummmmmmmmm….. gosh why would we talk about that?  It’s not like I could actually get any of it!  Well, it turns out, you CAN.  Takes some time, a bit of effort, and you can get what you want,  you just have to be open to trying things in new ways.  Have I gotten everything already?  No…. turns out though, I often am the problem in my own equation, but I am learning, ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing.   The most important? Finding a kind of peace inside myself that I didn’t know was possible.

His positive outlook and energy are contagious.  Conversation we have,  leave me thinking for days.   Profound eye opening conversations that wake up things in your mind you didn’t even know were there.

What Rob is great at is helping me gut inside myself.  I don’t need to hang onto past stories or situations.  They served their purpose, get them out of there and make room for NEW.  My life keeps changing, every single day, and for the better!

Anyway I could go on for hours here, truly!    But why listen to me chatter?   He is offering a free informational evening.  I am going because I could listen to him talk all day long.  If you are interested in what he could offer you, the link is above.  Who knows what he could change about your life?


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