I love allergy season!

Well, I do now!  I didn’t always.   About five years before I met Dr. Jack, there was a spring where I seemed to have the worst cold I ever had.  My eyes were goopy all the time and I was sneezing, wheezing, and coughing constantly.  My eyes hurt so much, I couldn’t get my contacts in.  I went to the doctor and was told it wasn’t a cold, I had allergies.

Allergies?? That isn’t possible!  I was well into my fifties and had never had allergies in my entire life.   But apparently, you can develop them at any time.  Yahoo…….insert sarcasm.

I was given a presecritption for Flonase, and told about over the counter medication.  I am sure I rolled my eyes, because I have always had weirdo reactions to over the counter meds.   Sure enough, Claritin gave me massive nose bleeds, and the only thing that worked was a store brand allergy relief that actually provided no relief at all.  Ughhhhhh……..

Every evening , after work, before bed, I showered and changed my pillow cases because I was told that pollen could be in your hair making it worse.  I tried all kinds of natural solutions, and when they didn’t work I used over the counter medications.  When I think of the poison I have shoved into my body, I cringe.

Every spring was the same.  No contacts, my ears and nose plugged.  Feeling awful from the allergies and then feeling awful from the temporary symptom relief.  Every spring…… every fall.   Over and over and over.

Until last spring, when suddenly my allergy problem disappeared! I was a bit shocked by it but Dr. Jack was not.   Heal your gut, heal your body apparently means a whole lot more than I knew possible!      Today I was walking around listening to people do the allergy sounds, the sneezing, coughing, wiping their eyes….. and here am I, not a symptom in site.   It’s amazing what a change in food does.    Totally changes everything! People are amazed I continue to eat this way but look at all the benefits!!!

Yesterday, as always, I sent Dr. Jack, a whole pile of questions.  Yes, over a year later, I still have questions.   He has so much knowledge and I want to always understand more!   Question number 4, which actually wasn’t a question…… thank you for the allergy free spring!

Dr. Jack’s response?  Yes, it is great isn’t it?   Ahhhhh…. breathing freely….. it truly is.

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