Rocking 60!!!! Sixty isn’t the new forty, for me, it’s the new 30!!!

Today is my sixtieth birthday! A friend asked me the other day how old I was going to be, and I said I would be sixty, with a whole lot of pride!    “I would never admit that to people.”    Why the heck not??   I am rocking this sixty thing!!  I should have a badge to wear!  I made it and this is still my natural hair color, no lie!!   Okay maybe a few specks of glitter in there but who cares??  A few wrinkles? So what?   I am sixty today, and seriously,  I feel better today than I ever did at thirty!!

Thirty was awful!!    I was scared at thirty for where my health was headed.  Today??  Are you kidding me? I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet!  That’s still coming!   All thanks to a doctor that believes that there are natural ways to fix things that plagued me for a lifetime.

When I was in my early thirties, my thyroid disease began.  I was exhausted, physically and mentally.  I was fighting hard to hang on despite ever worsening symptoms.  I woke up exhausted every single day.  I fought hard to put on a good face, and for the most part minus my family, no one realized how bad it was. I searched high and low to find an endocrinologist who wouldn’t brush me off, but actually listen to me.  It was a chore getting through every day.  I finally did find one, and waited six months for an appointment. She did listen.    The only problem was that the cure was simply more medication that felt better for about two weeks and then it didn’t anymore.   My weight packed on and I couldn’t even smell a sandwich without gaining weight, an my symptoms grew exponentially.

By the time I turned forty, my disease was in its full blown state,  Each year brought worse symptoms, more intense symptoms, more annoying symptoms that I had to just learn to live with.   Each birthday, I thought, wow,  this is what getting older feels like, and I hated it.

And as those years clicked by I got scared. If I felt this awful at forty five how much worse could it get.  Well, the answer to that was a whole lot worse.  By age fifty I was a walking checklist of Hashimoto symptoms.  I couldn’t eat anything without weight gain, I couldn’t even try to exercise.  The pain was awful and exercise made for flare ups. My best efforts yielded no results.   I had weird food cravings all the time.  And as it progressed,  I was even more afraid at what my later fifties would bring.

Then it was back surgery and that produced its own ongoing flare ups.  Pain was a daily thing, and so was the Advil I pumped into my body.   There was all of it.   The brain fog, the exhaustion, the joint pain, the hair issues, the skin issues, the digestive issues, the issues, the issues and more issues.  All having the same answer: learn to live with it.   I often wonder now how I survived.

And then came Dr. Jack, with his forward thinking, his natural treatments, his gentler effective ways for your body to become that beautiful word….. normal……   I had such small hopes when I met him.  But I learned to trust him, to trust his methods, his profound insights.   And what did he change? Are you kidding?   Absolutely positively every possible thing, from physical to mental to total mind and body reset.  No one can ever understand and I seriously have no words to describe what he has done for me.   No one lives in here but me, so how can I ever explain it.  I live a limit free life now and that is the greatest gift I could have ever been given!

Am I ashamed of sixty?  Are you kidding??  I earned this!!    I am rocking this number!!  I eat great, I have no symptoms.  I can go and go and go all day long.  I can exercise and feel it but not be in pain for days.  I am mentally alert, and think clearly.  Sixty??  This is the best birthday ever!!!  I can work a full day, work my part time job and I have ten tutoring students!   Sixty??  I can do all that at sixty??   Yeah!!

Thank You, Dr. Jack, for the most amazing gift I ever got in my entire life!!  Happy super great absolutely wonderful sixtieth birthday to me!!   Like you always tell me, it’s only going to get better!!  Huggggggggsssssssssssssssss!

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