Where am I today???

imageMarch 5th will be my five month mark with Dr. Jack Saia, partnertohealth.com  Hard to believe that five months have passed.    I am in an awesome place.   My weight is down sixty eight pounds, my thyroid symptoms are pretty much non existent.  I eat great, I sleep awesome, I have energy you would not believe.  I feel like I did in my thirties and the lack of stress and strain shows on my face.


I cannot get over how much everything has changed for me.   Every day at school, I  make a list of things to get done.  When you have Hashimoto’s, that brain fog issue gets in your way, and that list gets maybe one or two items checked off and the rest get copied onto tomorrow.  You hardly have the energy to do what you absolutely need to each day.   By Friday, your list is enormous.

Well, for the last several weeks, my list is complete each day, leaving only things I have to do another day because other materials weren’t ready, not because I don’t have the energy to complete them.   I never could do that before.   I have most of  my work done at school, leaving only plans and correcting to do at home.

I get tons done at home, laundry, errands, cleaning and cooking,  so I am not spending lots of weekend hours on jobs.   I feel more organized, and more in control.  And I have something I rarely ever had, time to do things I enjoy doing, not just things I have to do.

I eat super great, and I cook every day.   I have enjoyed many new foods that I had never tried before, and I love dreaming up ways to make healthy great food for myself.  I make lots of great new things that I enjoy and try all kinds of new vegetables each week.   I still work my second job most nights,  but I am not dragging myself to my car each night at the end of my shift.  I get home, relax, crawl into bed and fall asleep quickly, sleeping all night long.  I wake up feeling refreshed, and I actually have really good energy that lasts throughout the day.

I don’t know where I would be without Dr. Jack.  The education he has provided me with is just such an enormous gift.  He has had such a profound difference in my life.   I know if I had not found him, and not taken this step I would have gotten worse and no hope would be there for  getting any better.   I can never thank him enough for all he has done for me.

And if all that wasn’t good enough,  he helped me to find some relief for the constant back pain I had after my surgery a few years ago.  I was feeling its effects every single day.   That relief has allowed me to sleep so great that I wake up ready to get on with my day, with no pain on waking at all.  No more walking around for twenty minutes trying to loosen up everything.

All of this experience has been so wonderful!!  I am so grateful to Dr. Jack for taking me as a patient, and being so patient with me in this whole journey.   He is the most amazing health care professional ever.  He has such compassion for people and a true gift in being a kind and caring doctor, only interested in helping people achieve relief and success.

I also have been lucky to have so many family and friends who just keep on supporting me.  I am the richest person I know in friends.

Onto my next goal!!!!

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