Why live with Hashimoto’s when you don’t have to?

HashiSince I started writing my blog about my experience with Dr. Jack Saia, partnertohealth.com, I get a lot more email and messages on Facebook.   Sometimes, on websites, I read about people who suffered like I did.  My heart goes out to them, so I post what I finally did that cured me.   I get a lot of people who message me, some who post snarky comments, and a few who criticize.   A lot of them though, are just looking for answers.  I know how many years I spent looking for answers, reading blogs, posting in forums, and asking anyone for advice.

A lot of people ask me about my experience and I tell them my story.   I always find it interesting how people respond to that.    Last week, a lady from a Hashimoto website contacted me about my success.   She asked me what I did and I told her.    Her response was, “That is fine for you, but I just got diagnosed and I will learn to live with it.”

I wanted to cry for her.  I wanted to scream, “You don’t know what you are saying.  I thought that too, a long time ago.   You don’t have to LEARN to live with it.  I did the for over twenty five years, you don’t want to do that!”   But she wasn’t having any of my explanation.   People don’t understand.  There is a better way!    She doesn’t get that those symptoms she has right now will go from an inconvenience to a nuisance to a full blown wish, to you begging for relief that they would just stop.  Every attempt she will make to stop their spread will just be met with more thyroid meds and that won’t cure anything.  Her little symptoms, as she called them, will just escalate until she can’t stand it.  Every year, they will be followed my more symptoms ranging from weird to annoying to downright scary.

Another woman who contacted me told me that my doctor and his ideas were great for me, but she was too old to start over.   She was fifteen years YOUNGER than I am!!!      I told her that and she was shocked.   I told her, “Don’t you see how this disease robs you??  It is taking its toll on you, just like it did on me for so many years.”   I know how bad it will get but she doesn’t yet.   I sent her my before picture and a current one.  I told her to really look at the toll that took on me.   The scary part is she looks older than I did when I started.   I tried to tell her, you really don’t have to settle, you just need a different set of eyes on your problem.  But she wasn’t ready to hear me

But my favorite was a woman around my age who told me that she was unwilling to give up anything.   She just wanted the magic pill.   Well, hello!!!  IF they had a magic pill, wouldn’t we all have been prescribed it already?   There is no magic pill.  She tried telling me she will wait until something better than synthroid comes along.  I told her I have been on synthroid for over twenty five years.   Know what it cured?  Nothing…. absolutely nothing.

She went on to say that she loves food too much to give up anything.  That food is her only comfort in life.  That is sad really but you are saying that  you can’t give anything up?  Really?   If someone told you that as long as you didn’t eat a cookie for the rest of your life, then you could cure every symptom you ever had?   And you wouldn’t give  it up?

She told me that there is too much inconvenience to eat healthy.   It’s much easier, she explained to me to just grab something at a drive through window.   Sigh…….   I get that making a few dishes might seem inconvenient but the prepared food is bad when you have this disease.  I told her I eat well and I work two jobs five and six days a week.  It can be done.   Again she told me that chips and pop are too yummy to give up.

I know I am not like everyone else, but when Dr. Jack told me that he could cure all my symptoms?  I have to be honest, I would have done whatever he told me to do.  I didn’t care what it was.   I was desperate to be symptom free.   I think some people are not there yet.

I don’t care about giving up some foods that are bad for me, if it means that the symptoms would be gone.   I wanted it badly.

You don’t have to live with this disease.   You can reverse every symptom you had.   I eat better now than ever before.  I sleep better than I ever did in my entire life.   And without a doubt I feel wonderful every single day.   It isn’t like I was asked to starve.   I gave up a few things.  Big deal.    I got back MY LIFE.   What price tag do you put on that?  Is that worth giving up a few bad foods?    What I gave up is nothing compared to what I gained in terms of my quality of life.   Was it worth it??  NO QUESTION.    Why live with it when you can be rid of it forever?

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