Nancy? I know what an endorphin is now!

imageIf you have been reading here, you know I put up a huge fuss with Dr. Jack about going to see Nancy Hughes. There was a lot to that, but one of my biggest fears was my total lack of coordination. If you say move left, I feel like one of those children who needs their shoes labeled so I know which way you mean. I seriously have bruises everywhere from walking into furniture. I am extremely uncoordinated.

Dr. Jack suggested I try burst training before I went to Nancy, and I still do that in the morning which I find revs me up for the day. I feel energized from it, like a battery recharger. It gets my head awake and blood flowing. I like it and it doesn’t require me to have coordinated movements. I know if I move the wrong way, I won’t be wiping out half a room of people.

But, equally? I now love the part of my day that belongs to Nancy. I went to see Nancy, the Pilates instructor, again this week. Gosh, how I love what she teaches! Things went so much better this week. The room had lots of people in it, but I was able to tune it all out and focus totally on her. I was happy that not only was she as patient as last time, but that our whole time together was much more comfortable and relaxed. I think our personalities just gel really well. While I can be a nervous ball of energy, she slows me down, which forces me to focus on what she is saying.

Nancy was happy with the progress I had made on my own and she added in some things to enhance those movements. I worked hard to focus and she helped me to correct things that were poor form. She also was very complimentary about the things I had shown improvement in, or when I got it right. I love her, have I mentioned that? I just love her. I love the way she instructs in a nonjudgmental way, and her constant encouragement. She is very professional and although she is very advanced in her abilities, she can explain it so well to a new person, that you really understand it.

I love the way she talks to me, and explains to me where I am supposed to feel certain things. She gets very specific about exactly showing me where in my body I should feel the stretch and what should be getting worked with each move. That has helped me so much! When I work on those movements at home, I find that I can make that happen better depending on where my feet and hands are each time I do it. I like how she explained it so that I know what I am trying to do. I have to really focus sometimes as I think I don’t have it quite right, so I really have to think. I find that between the physical movement, the focus and the breathing, I just find that it all relaxes me. Where has this been all my life??

I am absolutely lovinggggggggggggg it! Today, I was doing laundry and I thought that dryer can wait awhile because I am not done yet with her homework, and I want to really feel this and focus on the muscle it us supposed to help. Me!! Yeah, ME!! Her homework has become a significant part of my day. I finally figured out what an endorphin is, and turns out I love the way it feels after! I never understood that concept before, but between the morning routine and her work, I feel that now.

I love everything about this. When I am done I sit there thinking about how I might improve something she taught next time I try it. I think of questions I might ask her when I see her again. I try to remember all the things she said so I get it right. And if I can push it, I do. A little better each time, a little more effort. Nope, stop. That’s not quite right. Replant yourself. Longer stretches, more aligned. Now I feel it. Is it hard to tell how I love the control that it brings? That’s my favorite part, that it is me pushing me to do better each time.

Nancy is a wonderful teacher. I love working with her. Her calm voice is in my head as I practice everything. I truly am blessed that she took me where I was, that she didn’t care how klutzy I am. She just accepted me as is, and works with me on a level I can understand.

That endorphin thing? I float on that feeling for hours which is why I make sure that is part of my day that I refuse to give up. Even if I have to break it up, I am not giving it up. My back feels so much better. I find that I walk straighter and stand taller, okay, no jokes about my height. I just feel better! And especially? I feel better about myself.

I think the world of Nancy! She is a wonderful part of my life now and I am so grateful for the calm she has brought to me, mixed with a feeling of being so much stronger physically and mentally. Huge hugs for her!

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