When I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s almost thirty years ago, I sat at my doctor’s office, never having heard about this disease. I can remember sitting there worrying and the doctor dismissing my fear. ‘Thyroid disease is the easiest thing it in the world to treat. You just take this little pill every day and everything is fine.” Now I laugh because NOTHING was ever fine again.
There are tons of authors who write about Hashimoto’s Disease, and write about how to cure it. I have read just about every book, and article written about this disease. Always, I was looking for the cure. Did you know that no one’s symptoms are an exact match to someone else’s? What ailments aggravated me may well not be the same for you.
I know that when I found Dr. Jack Saia, partnertohealth.com, I was the checklist of symptoms. If you look up symptoms, I was IT.
Four times every year, I faithfully went for blood work and showed up at the doctor’s office to discuss my lack of progress. And at each of those appointments, I went with a list of things that were new or worsening symptoms. The conversation was always the same. “Allergies? yeah, that is more common with Hashimoto patients. Don’t worry, we will just give you a prescription to help that.” “Hair problems? Don’t worry, that is just your thyroid disease, we can give you a prescription for shampoo. Dry skin?? Thyroid disease! Not uncommon.” I got so well known at the pharmacy, they recognized me by face.
None of those prescriptions I ever got actually cured anything/ Sometimes they lessened the severity of the problem, but it never actually went away. They only helped to manage the ailments that went with this crazy disease. So what happened? Nothing. I got more prescriptions and I got worse each time.
As soon as Dr. Jack and I started working together, I noticed that things began to leave. I used to have these nasty little eczema patches, behind my ears, on my eye lids, all over. Got up one day and after showering, looked in the mirror and they were gone! I kept thinking how great that was to be rid of that nuisance, but little did I know how much more was coming! From there, I noticed all kinds of things that miraculously seemed to heal themselves.
All those nasty stomach issues went away, and foods never bother me anymore. My eyebrows and eyelashes came back! My dry skin that responded to no cream or lotion, suddenly felt better. My constant hoarse voice went away. The achy muscles and joints that I had attributed to increasing age were suddenly gone.
I used to be cold so badly in the evening that no amount of blankets or warm drinks would make it go away, suddenly vanished. My sleep habits improved. I am able to go to bed, sleep all night, and wake up ready for the day, not dragging myself from one thing to another with no energy, and dependent on coffee or sugar to keep me going.. My weight stopped doing those crazy fluctuations where you wake up in the morning to a seven pound gain for no apparent reason. Those weird puffy spots on my face disappeared. If you have Hashimoto’s you know what I mean, those pouch like spots that don’t respond to weight loss.
My dry, thinning hair began having new growth and my usual four to five month hair cut appointment needed to be moved to six or eight weeks, with new wisps of hair appearing everywhere. There were new things that left me every single week and still do, eight months later. But the best ones gave me the most excitement!
One of my best days was when I realized that the fatigue was finally gone. I had always done housework in small spurts because exhaustion quickly took over. Throw in some laundry, take a break, put groceries away, take a break, dust, break, make bed, break…. Now? Gosh, I can go hours, stopping only because I realize that it’s lunch time and I need food! I can’t believe what I get done in a day!
But by far, my favorite thing that has been cured is the brain fog!! My head is charging so fast with my thought process, I can barely keep up! I feel like my thought process is in hyper drive because I can process so much at once. For the first time in years, I am able to complete vast amounts of work at school, and bring home so much less. Gone are the million notes I had to carry to remember simple tasks, or where I parked my car. That is the greatest blessing ever!
That is my message to you today! You don’t have to accept any of the side effects of this disease. You can eliminate them from your life with diet and supplementation. I am so grateful to Dr. Jack for freeing me from them. When he told me they would go away, I didn’t believe him, but he proved me wrong. I have never been so happy to apologize for anything in my whole life!