“Why can’t they just make a pill to make Hashimoto’s go away? It really isn’t fair that I can’t have my life back and just be cured by medication.” Yeah……… well about that….. Good luck!!
Hashimoto’s Disease isn’t any different than any other disease. It isn’t like anyone goes out and tries to get it, or works at getting it. You just have it. And you can complain all you want about it and how unfair it is, but the bottom line is pretty simple. You are stuck with it. You can either let it get the best of you and drag you down or you can keep working until you find a way to make things better.
I listen to people tell me, that I don’t really understand. Really?? I feel like one of those silly Movie voices….”You talking to me??” Because seriously, I have been fighting this disease for more than thirty years, and finally…. And I mean finalllllyyyyyyy…. I am winning!
I have listened to a lot of people tell me that the way I eat and the adjustments to my life are not things they are willing to do. They would rather just live with the symptoms that go with this disease. Hope you are ready to watch it get worse and worse, robbing you of wonderful experiences that they are too exhausted to enjoy. They don’t want to try to find something on a menu to eat that is better for them, and they don’t want to work at making things better. Well……….. then what can I say? Good luck…… You are going to need it. Because if there is one thing I have learned down this ugly path? It’s not going to get better with medication.
I used to think it would. I had an optimal dose, that was supposed to make it all better, right? But it didn’t. That dose took about a month before I was right back to new symptoms and feeling just as poorly. It got to a point that I just measured how bad was it really? Like can I get though most of the day? Okay, then the dose is right! I didn’t get better, I just learned to live with it.
Maybe learning to live with it is good enough for you, but it wasn’t for me. I had already lived with it more years than I wanted to. I was tired, not from Hashimoto’s, but from being told all the time, “You just have to learn to live with this. Those symptoms might improve or not, no way to tell.” I don’t HAVE to live with anything. I don’t want to learn to live with it. I wasn’t going to. I knew there had to be an answer for me.
At some point there is a place…. Your back is against the wall…. You can’t take the symptoms anymore….you realize you are beyond frustration and then you realize something. You want to get your life back? Then you have to just suck it up and do what you have to do to take it back. No one is going to hand it to you. You have to dig in, crawl out of the hole and take it back!!
Whining and crying about it isn’t going to make it go away. There isn’t going to be some magic little pill that comes along. And sooner or later, you are going to be beyond sick and tired. You won’t care what they ask you to do to get rid of it, you will do anything.
So, I get angry when I hear people say that they aren’t willing to make any small adjustments to their life to rid themselves of this disease. Are you kidding me?? You want this as a way of life?? There is soooooooo much better!! And what big inconveniences? I tell anyone who will take the time to listen that I eat better and more now than I have in the last twenty five years. I never starve, and I don’t want for yummy things because I eat great yummy stuff all the time! I am full and satisfied. I sleep better than I did as a teen. My skin cleared up!
And most important, I walk around symptom free, clear headed, functioning all day with few, if any breaks.
Dr. Jack gave me tools, and he has been cheering me on the whole way. When I slipped, he told me what to do get back up. Every week I have worked with him it’s gotten easier, and so much better! You want your life back?? Take it!