People ask me what is the key to my success. My answer to that question has evolved over the time I have worked with Dr. Jack. It’s hard to pinpoint one thing, but here are some important things to keep in mind.
- The journal…. Don’t underestimate the value of keeping a food journal and write it all down. I am on the go most days working two jobs. But I try to sit down for five minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes, at some point evening and write down what I ate that day. When you do Dr. Jack’s program, he gives you pages to keep track these things, including how your mood affected what you ate that day. I use those lines mostly to summarize my thoughts for the day, and questions I ask about my food, and supplements. What I find is that helps me to see the whys….. Why I wanted a certain food, why I had better self control yesterday than today, why I am overly hungry and when I found the right balance. I know lots of people don’t want to be bothered writing it all down. But I found that to be so helpful because on sluggish weeks, Dr. Jack could find one itty bitty thing and as soon as we changed it? Weight started flying.
- If it’s not on the list, don’t eat it. Not much else to say here.
- Honesty is the best policy….. No matter what you do and don’t eat, it’s best to just tell him. You can’t get help unless you are a hundred percent honest about what is going on, You have to real in what you are saying. Either you totally believe in this way of eating or you don’t. And if you don’t, then you need to tell him up front. I had lots of questions about why I couldn’t or shouldn’t eat certain things. You don’t get answers unless you ask and are completely honest. You aren’t going to commit to something like this unless you understand it, so ask. Then you know the reasons and it makes it easier to stick to it.
- Stick to the plan…..if you want it to work, you have to stick with it. It really does get easier and your head changes in the process. But you have to stick with it. Little cheats add up to big cheats. If you really want success, you have to go all in. Don’t cheat. You are only hurting yourself.
- Communication…. He is a doctor, not a mind reader. If you have problems or concerns, you need to communicate that. That’s the only way to truly get help. Ask, ask, ask….
- Never forget why you are doing this….. Maybe you want to feel better, maybe you want to come off medication, maybe you need to be less tired, maybe you want yo be healthier for your family. Never forget why you started and keep that foremost in your mind. When you get down, refer back to your why.
- Listen…. He is the expert. If you want expert advice you need to listen. I take notes while Dr. Jack talks, alllllllll the time.
- When temptation knocks, turn to YouTube… Okay don’t laugh at me. When I find myself feeling weak, I go back and listen to Dr. Jack’s webinar, or his video series on supplements. I don’t know why but I find his voice helps me stay on track. Hey, I am weird, don’t judge me. Lol….
- Sleep, water and food are all important. Don’t skimp on any one of them.
- Don’t give up…. No matter what happens, don’t give up. Don’t give up if your loss slows down. Don’t give up because of a bad day. Don’t give up because you ate poorly. Just don’t give up. You never gave up on anyone else so why give up on you!! The road may be filled with times you fall. Just get back up and keep going!
You can do it! It just takes a little work and some perseverance, You are so worth it!
Thank you Chris for that very motivational response. I am still a little scared. It is not only a big commitment but also a big expense. I know you can’t put a price tag on your health and well being but my big concern is what if I spend the Money and It doesn’t work for me! What if I can’t take the supplements because of other heath issues? still have lots of questions. Why can’t I still be in my 30’s and healthy! lol.
Hugggggggggggg… Been there…. Truly have been there. I really think you should just write Directly to Dr. Jack, explain your issues and questions, and hear what he has to say. I really didn’t believe it would work for me. And I still can’t believe it did. His email is It doesn’t hurt anything to ask and get information. Huggggggggggg…. I was scared to death… I thought I had made a huge mistake and then all of a sudden I started getting healthy..