All my family and friends know what is coming. Tomorrow is the last day of school for this year. That means we lock. “Mrs. O,” in a closet for a long needed rest, and we let, “Chris,” out for a much needed summer break. All teachers have their school and home personalities. They are somewhat similar but not exactly the same. I laugh because last week my son-in-law accompanied me on our class trip. He told me he likes, “Chris,” a lot better than, “Mrs. O.” ha ha… don’t we all.
I still work my part time job and I still do some school projects that I can’t get to over the year, but summer is much different. I try to focus on myself a bit, so there are more day trips, more lunches with friends, more house projects that I have left go so long.
Last summer, was a lot different than this one will be. I remember being here. It was not the best time. I remember my exhaustion after our class trip last year. I remember telling myself, “Look this summer, you have to DO something to improve your health.” It didn’t matter to me that I had already tried EVERYTHING from Atkins to Weight Watchers and everything in between. I knew I had to make a change. So it was at this time, I had scheduled a meeting with a nutritionist to discuss what else I could try to alleviate my Hashimoto symptoms. I had called a gym to ask about trying a few classes. THAT was going to be THE summer…. but it wasn’t.
Instead it was the summer of being hurt and disappointed. It was the summer that I will never forget of having every ounce of my self esteem ripped out of me. Nutritionists calling me a liar, telling me there was no hope left for me, people laughing at me at a gym. There was nothing left. And then come October, Dr. Jack came along.
So THIS summer?? This is the summer of healing. It is the summer to take all that and throw it out, just like cleaning up the clutter that has accumulated at our house. GET IT OUT of here. Because this summer?? This is MY summer. Plans this year include some of those school projects, and lunches with friends. But I am thinking a few days trips because now I can keep up and not be exhausted all the time. It is the summer for some long walks enjoying the beauty of summer, now that I can walk for long distances without feeling like every muscle is burning.
It is the summer of having time to go to the YMCA, take a few classes I always wanted to try. Did I tell you I tried a body conditioning class in the pool at the Y? Fun class that stretch and strengthens with the gentleness of the water? Loved it! It is the summer of finding time to read books, and do some art projects I used to love to do, but was too exhausted to enjoy. It’s the summer to enjoy my Pilates class and really be able to focus on it.
The summer to enjoy great stuff, grilled outside, only different things now, like fish and chicken and fresh vegetables from the farmer market. And homegrown lettuce and tomatoes and cucumbers. Yummmmmmm…. I am hoping my weight loss, although slower, continues with my reduced stress pace. I am hoping for even more education from Dr. Jack about my journey and how it will continue.
Big breath………… wow………. what a difference a year makes…..