Sometimes you just have to…..
I had not done any kind of detox in awhile. We can blame that on schedules, grief, lifestyle, family obligations, work, well, all kinds of things, Just could not get geared up mentally to do it. I know I needed to. I have learned that through my work with Dr. Jack, that sometimes your tummy needs a break and sometimes you need to get rid of all the toxic junk you have collected.
Last weekend it really hit me just how toxic I felt. I was not eating badly but I don’t have to, to start filling up my little toxic bucket. You just do pick up toxins, well, I do, from everywhere. What you touch, what you breathe in, and even healthy food, sometimes might have stuff, and it all adds up. Those little toxic substances seem attracted to me like a magnet. And they bring havoc. Quietly they build, and suddenly you are feeling sluggish, symptomatic.
And after the time, I have had with all the stress, I had gone too long without dumping the little bucket. Things were starting to feel not quite right. It was all little things, but I just kept thinking, I need to get off this place. I am trying to do things correctly and just move along. After all, I want to be the healthiest I can absolutely be! I have Rachael, my granddaughter coming along. And I want to be a fun, active, silly, playful, supportive grandma.
So this week, I made the big decision, enough messing around, let’s get pulled together in all ways, physically mentally, emotionally and in every way I can, to make improvements. I may not always be successful in all areas, but little things add up. Small steps do add up.
The kids in my classroom are extremely observant of my little habits even when I don’t think they are. One day, they asked me what was in my other water container, and I replied it was a kind of organic lemonade. That wasn’t a lie, it is! That lead to a whole discussion about how would you make homemade lemonade, and why wasn’t it as yellow as the kind that is made with a powder. I reminded them that contains all kinds of icky preservatives and I try to avoid that stuff. They were fascinated. Lol….
Please don’t ask me for Dr. Jack’s lemonade recipe. I don’t give out his material, as I consider that a violation of his copyright.
So to my students, I just responded that I try to eat very clean, and that’s why I often carry a lunch rather than eat school food. One said, “Oh that’s why you take birthday cupcakes but take them home for your son!” I said it was and then one asked when the last time I had a cupcake and I said years ago. A particularly dramatic one shouted, “Mrs O! That’s just wrong!” Lollllllllll…. um no….that’s just healthy.
They started telling me about all their “healthy” choices, whole grain pasta, cereal, whole grain waffles,cereal bars, oatmeal packets, veggie straws…. but all I saw and heard was toxic preservatives. I smiled. They are children and children just do eat differently. I told them at my age, healthy looks much different. And If I want to live. Y best life, as an adult, you have to make other choices and then they commented to me that I rarely if ever, take a sick day! And I thought, YES! That is so true!
I am mostly healthy, do not get colds often, nor flu and never stomach issues anymore. I have not had my chronic three times a year urinary tract infections, nor weird skin issues that plagued me for years. I do not miss the bouts of stomach and digestive issues, not my skin that I kept covered all winter long. Nor do I miss the prescription shampoo for the ring of dry skin around my head like a halo, and I really do not miss all those allergies that I never had until I had Hashimoto’s.
Detoxing is not hard but it definitely requires a mindset because in dumping all the toxic waste, there are going to be physical reactions. I have had all kinds of reactions, probably as my body removes so much that has been stored in weird places. The funny thing about detoxing is that it hits me in weird ways. My muscles become so sore and old injuries seem to return. The pain starts where my back surgery was. I start having sciatic nerve pain, and my tailbone hurts from when I broke it over ten years ago. I am not Dr. Jack and no expert on such things but I am sure my body stores all it’s junk in those old injuries as that is what pains me the most. But no worries, a quick visit the chiropractor and I am back in my usual form! Sometimes I get extremely tired but a bit of added sleep and I can function perfect. Most people think detoxing gives you huge bathroom issues but never have I experienced that. It is more my body releasing its junk and pulling from all kinds of places.
It was a good detox as detoxes go, productive. My energy level has returned, and I feel more myself. Less foggy, less symptomatic and on the road to even healthier than before!!
Now off to my class fundraiser today, where they are having a breakfast of pancakes and sausages. Will I be eating it? Are you crazy?? After I just got all cleaned up?? Noooooo…. it will be a wonderful vegetable omelet to keep me full and not thinking about such things!