“Chris? What did you have for Christmas dinner?”
Me: “We ate at my sister’s home. She made stuffed shells, and I contributed some meatballs. There was salad, rolls….cookies, pie….those kinds of things. But for myself, I had grilled chicken, vegetables and salad, and coffee, I had coffee.”
“Didn’t you feel deprived?”
hmmmm….I sat and thought on that… did I feel deprived? deprived? No…….not deprived. Come to think about it, I am not sure I even noticed. Wow…. what a long way down this road we have walked, when you realize that you didn’t even notice.
It has taken a long time,this crazy dysfunctional, obsessive, compulsive, insane, love hate, relationship I had with food. It really has and it also is exceptionally difficult to describe. What I do know it has been, is a tough road back to a healthy relationship. Not unlike healing from most unhealthy relationships, it has had its share of anger, tears, frustrations and hurt. And absolutely there are times when I still feel this hair of deprivation, mostly at times when I might want a comfort food, or when I am angry or hurt and the I want to eat bad things to make the pain stop.
But the best news is, that this holiday? I can’t even say I noticed all that much. I actually enjoyed the meals I prepared myself. And it has gotten easier to just look the other way from things I know will just make my symptoms return. Dr. Jack and I have worked way too hard for that.
Read moreDo I feel deprived? Hmmmm….. No.