Christmas time…. I had made it through Thanksgiving, but Christmas goes on for a long time and I was worried. However, I was determined that no matter what, my kids were going to be able to have the favorite Christmas cookies I had baked each year. I was following an eating plan, but they weren’t and there was no way I was not going to bake all their favorites. I just needed a plan and it had to be one where I could stick to what I needed to do, without making them uncomfortable.
Happy Thanksgiving… Scary… Well, since I work part time at Walmart as a cashier, holidays can be tricky. I was scheduled to work Thanksgiving, as usual. My son was going to be having Thanksgiving with his fiancé. My daughter and son in law were going to be cooking for her husband’s immediate family and she asked if I wanted to come for dinner.
I am not catching every germ anymore!
Dear Chris,
Great news. At the six week point and you are down almost 27 pounds. I am very proud of you. I didn’t say anything this week because I was waiting to see how everything went. Often times, when a person is sick, the body can go into a fat storing mode. It has to do with energy conservation. But, by continuing to take care of yourself and providing the proper nutrition, you were able to muscle through and drop a couple of pounds. That extra energy you have is a sign that your body has rebounded. Things are looking great.
Don’t be discourage about anything. Take a look at where you are now compared to 6 weeks ago. You have proven to yourself that the weight is going to come off. There may be a week or two where you plateau. I am not saying you will, but if it happens, don’t sweat it. Life is good for you and that is part of the weight loss cycle.
Missed seeing your emails. Back to normal for about a week!
Dr. Jack
When you finally start believing that change is possible….
Dear Dr. Jack,
Today, my son and his fiancé were going to Christmas in the country, bigggggg craft show at the fairgrounds. They asked if I wanted to go. We walked around and enjoyed it. All good. So we spot this booth where the man and his wife are selling sterling silver rings. Included in the cost was that he would put your name on them. I walked around the show and then went back. I asked him would he put anything on the ring, and he said, “Yes.”
I thought a lot about the things you have said the last few days, and the changes I am hoping my life will have….. I thought about what you keep telling me about believing in myself and this process. I thought you might like to see what I picked…… A daily reminder where I see it all time….
Read moreWhen you finally start believing that change is possible….
Healing the inside helps the outside…
Five weeks…. 24.2 pounds… how is that possible?
Dear Chris,
Congratulations!!!! 5 weeks and 24.2 pounds later! I could not be more proud of you. This is the best news. Made my day.
One thing I want to mention is that all your emails are important! So, don’t put ‘not important’ in the subject line or email, okay? Also, do you really think I could wait until Monday to read this? I look forward to your emails and want to be able to answer any questions you may have.
Continue doing what you are doing. I know this seems unreal, but you will actually be getting healthier and feeling better over the next 6 months than what you are now. Remember to read your “Christmas card” every day. Modify it and make it better. This is a new life for you. Make it your dream life. Think about it all the time. Get all negative thoughts out of your mind. They only suppress your goals.
Dr. Jack
Everyone needs support
I learned early on in this journey, everyone needs support. I am pretty fortunate. I have a great family who always give me their unconditional support. My daughter called me one day to invite me for dinner. “Mom, we want you to come over, but I am not sure what to fix for you. Maybe you could bring something for yourself, but we could still eat together.” I loved it! They were still including me but understanding that I was trying so hard to be careful. My poor son in law didn’t want to eat dessert in front of me. I explained that I was full and no need to worry. The still invite me all the time to come and share their company.
Dr. Jack’s Homework
Dear Chris,
Which leads me to your homework. I loved how you put it into the “Christmas” letter format. The dreams you have in that letter are going to come to fruition. You have embarked on a life change that is
developing more momentum every day. Please take the “letter” and read it every single day. Again, read it every single day. One more time….read it every single day. You are allowed to change it and
modify it to make your life even healthier and happier. This is your destiny. You have to keep reminding yourself on your dreams and goals.
They need to be the focus, not the negative energy that has taken over you body for years. Often times, we have to rid ourselves of negative people (kind of like detoxifying your life of the negativity). It’s
difficult, just like anything, but is so worth it in the end. If people are negative in any way, leave, avoid, change plans, whatever it takes.
Dr. Jack
When I was a few weeks into Dr. Jack’s program, he told me that he wanted me to do an assignment for him. I was supposed to sit down and write all about where I thought I would be in one year. He told me that the assignment was to think about it as if I had no limitations, not physical, not money, the sky was the limit.
It’s Halloween and you are a teacher…..
That was my reality. I laugh today because people are always telling me, you started a diet before the holidays? Why?? Because there was no way I was going to feel worse. On October 5th, I was only thinking one thing. Where am I going to be a month from now if I wait? Where will I be three months from now if I wait? I feel awful right now and I want it to go away right now. I didn’t care about holidays or treats, I just wanted to feel better.
Do I cheat?
Just looked through each day. Very good. Love the notes, especially the thought processes that you are going through. We will go over the past week tomorrow. Until then, keep being yourself. You are awesome and should be proud of your accomplishments over the past two weeks. This is one of the best emails ever. So many great statements. Then, to hear you are down? You are amazing. You get this and never forget how you felt in the past.
Dr. Jack